Monday, June 13, 2011

Guest post: Colombian Specialties from my Roommate!

La linda Joanna

I'm lucky enough to live with my fantastic Colombian friend Joanna.  When she gets herself in the kitchen, she GETS in the kitchen and whips up some of the best Colombian treats ever.  This week, she's done a guest post in memory of her recent cooking adventures.  Here's what she had to say (P.S. she wrote this entirely herself in English and I didn't change a thing, which makes me feel slightly bad about her having to put up with my Spanish after all these months!)

Joanna's Culinary Adventures:

Distance makes you do things you never thought you would. I always refused to cook; if there was anything in the house I used the least, it was the kitchen. Well, now it’s not any different, but because I miss my food, my flavors, my variety, and am tired of the same Argentine food, I decided to try a little harder and make something by myself. The result: success!

So this is what I did:
For Saturday’s lunch: Ajiaco Santafereño
For Sunday night: Patacones with cheese, tomato, ham and boiled corn

Wait, what is that you ask?
Well, it’s Colombian food. Ajiaco Santafereño is a typical soup of Bogotá, Colombia. The original Ajiaco is a potato-based soup and has three varieties of potatoes: criolla, sabanera and pastusa, but it’s not easy to find all those potatoes in Buenos Aires (I'm pretty sure they don't exist in here), so with the basic potato you find in Disco is fine. The other main ingredients are: chicken, guascas, cream and capers and accompany it with rice and avocado. If guasca is not added, the flavor changes a bit. Here’s a good recipe I found in the Washington Post.
Ajiaco Santafereño

Then I found green Plátanos (plantains) at Disco and I had to buy at least one, because that doesn’t happen very often. Sundays are dedicated to studying, so Anna and I are at home studying hard (sure) and we eat a lot (true). “We need energy to do it” Anna always says.  She is the chef, she loves doing it and she makes veeeery tasty dishes. But this time I made the dinner. Nothing special, but very Colombian: Patacones, cheese, ham, tomato and boiled corn.  Plantains become sweeter and less starchy as they ripen, but they also lose their firmness, so I like them better greener.  It’s fast and easy to do, here is a good recipe and don’t forget to sprinkle with salt when they are still hot. Patacones are a good fit for almost everything; you can eat them with rice and meat; as a snack with sauce; with fish and salad, or just the patacones with cheese if you have antojos. 

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